Tips to Get Moving.

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I have been focused on shifting into a consistent routine that includes daily exercise. It centers me, calms me, and is so crucial to self care! I put together five time to help get you moving, especially in this season of cooler temps, when it is so tempting to lounge in our coziest clothes.

1. 30 mins a day, start there. Set a timer, and just move. A walk in the crisp, cool air. Yoga. Dancing. Whatever gets your body moving - just start.

2. Drink water. It's so simple! Drinking water can energize you, keep you moving, and is absolutely necessary for our overall health. Challenge yourself to drink half your body weight in ounces every day! Example: if someone weighs 150 pounds, aim to drink 75 ounces of water each day.

3. Cut out soft drinks and juice. That sugar intake adds up quickly. Replace the sweet stuff with sparkling or still water, a slice of lemon and a few frozen berries, and you have something fun AND nourishing!

4. Get out your calendar and make time for it. We are all busy, being pulled in a thousand directions. Carving out time to move your body and take care of yourself is so important. Not only for your own health and wellbeing, but for those that love you most, too! Plus my brain feels SO MUCH better when I have been moving!

5. Set out shoes and workout clothes every night. When you wake up and see them waiting there for you, you'll have the nudge you need to choose to move. You'll be so glad you did!

Read the whole post here!

Remember small changes everyday lead to BIG changes.

EducationCasey Wiegand